
Mochini oa ho Welding oa Pneumatic

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  • Gantry Pneumatic Energy Storage Welding Machine 27KW Max 42KW

    Gantry Pneumatic Energy Storage Welding Machine 27KW Max 42KW

    HT-SW33A Series e na le matla a holimo a phahameng a pulse a 42KW, a nang le tlhahiso ea tlhoro ea hajoale 7000A. E etselitsoe ka ho khetheha bakeng sa ho tjheseletsa pakeng tsa lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tsa nickel le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse sa hloekang, tse loketseng empa ha li felle feela ho cheseletso ea libeteri tsa ternary tse nang le nickel ea tšepe le lisebelisoa tse hloekileng tsa nickel. Hlooho ea pneumatic spot welding e entsoe ka theknoloji ea buffering. Ho loketse ho fetola khatello ea linale tse peli tsa welding le lebelo la ho reset le ho hatella ho ea tlase lihlooho tsa tjheseletsa tsa pneumatic ka thoko. The gantry foreime e entsoe ka 304 tšepe e sa hloekang. E thata, e tsitsitse, 'me e tšoarella. Welder e ka isoa ka ho le letšehali kapa ka ho le letona, 'me bophahamo ba eona bo ka fetoloa ho lumellana le mefuta e fapaneng ea lipakete tsa lithium battery.


  • Mochini oa ho Welding oa Pneumatic Spot o nang le Compressor ea Moea e Hahelletsoeng ka hare HT-SW03A

    Mochini oa ho Welding oa Pneumatic Spot o nang le Compressor ea Moea e Hahelletsoeng ka hare HT-SW03A

    Sesebelisoa sena sa pneumatic spot welder se na le tekano ea laser le boemo hammoho le sesebelisoa sa mabone a nale, se ka ntlafatsang habonolo ho nepahala ha tjheseletsa le katleho ea tlhahiso. Ho hatella le ho tsosolosa lebelo la hlooho ea pneumatic spot welding e khona ho fetoha, 'me phetoho e loketse. Potoloho ea hlooho ea tjheseletsa ea sebaka sa pneumatic e amohela mabitso a kolobisitsoeng ka khauta, 'me ka skrine ea pontšo ea dijithale ho bonts'a sebaka sa tjheseletsa sa motlakase le hona joale, se loketseng ho bonoa.

    E boetse e na le sistimi e pholileng e bohlale ho ikamahanya le ts'ebetso ea nako e telele e sa sitisoeng ea li-welding.